Entrust/Toolkit™ Java™ Edition

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is Entrust/Toolkit?

    The Entrust/PKIÒ family of security products and solutions protects the privacy, integrity, and authenticity of information communicated among workstations within a network. Privacy is achieved through EntrustÆs secure encryption and decryption algorithms. Integrity and authenticity (the assurances that neither the data nor the identity of the sender have been altered) are achieved through digital signatures.

    Many of EntrustÆs security functions (like encryption and digital signing) are performed by a security kernel referred to as Entrust/Engine™. Entrust/Toolkit provides a straight-forward portable application programming interface (API) to the Entrust/Engine software. Through this interface, software developers can easily integrate Entrust's security functions into their own applications.

  2. What is Entrust/Toolkit Java Edition?

    The Entrust/Toolkit™ Java™ Edition is a fast, cost-effective way for building SSL, PKIX, PKCS and Entrust-Ready™ security applications. Implemented entirely in Java, developers can easily add flexible, modular security services for hashing, encrypting and signing, with X.509 certificates and CRLs, and of course, full support for Entrust/ PKI™, the world's leading solution for securing enterprise public-key infrastructures (PKI).

  3. Is Entrust/Toolkit Java Edition available on multiple operating systems and platforms?

    The power of the Java language is in its portability across Operating System environments. As a Java implementation the Entrust/Toolkit Java Edition does not have any platform constraints.

  4. What are the system requirements?

The Entrust/Toolkit Java Edition is designed to work in a Java environment that provides full implementations of either JDK 1.1 or 1.2. Netscape 4.0 browsers must be supplemented with missing Java 1.1 security files, which are available with the toolkit. JavasoftÆs Java Plugin may be used to provide JDK 1.1 compliance to Internet Explorer 3.02 and later and Netscape Navigator 3.0 and later Java environments.

  1. Are there royalties or run-time fees to distribute Entrust/Toolkit Java Edition applications?

    No. Applications developed with Entrust/Toolkit Java Edition, or any other Entrust/Toolkit, are freely distributable.

  2. When will Entrust/Toolkit Java Edition be commercially available?

    Entrust/Toolkit Java Edition will be commercially available in January 1999.

  3. How much does Entrust/Toolkit Java Edition cost?

Entrust/Toolkit Java Edition is available to you at no cost simply by downloading it from our developer web site http://developer.entrust.com

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